High School Homeschool Starter Kit
I am located in TN & home school laws differ by state. Always check with HSLDA linked below to find the laws for your state.
High School: homlifeacademy.com (Christian Umbrella School)
Homelife Academy will send you forms to fill out they will send the signed forms directly to your current public school for you to let them know that your teen will longer be attending that school.
Also recommended - HSLDA: HSLDA.org (Home School Legal Defense Association)
We've tried a ton of stuff & I am happy to share our free & affordable favorites with you so you can get started today! Contact me anytime if you have questions, I'll be glad to help.
Easy Peasy: allinonehighschool.com (actually not that easy tho, honors classes also available)
Khan Academy: Khan academy.com
IXL: IXL.com
Fiveable: fivable.me
Don’t forget your High School Homeschool Teacher Tee!
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Quizlet: quizlet.com
Duolingo: duolingo.com
Typing Test: typingtest.com
Modern States: modern States.org
Coursera: Coursera.org
Allison: Alison.com
There's a lot more I could list here, but these are the best!